Fall gift wrapping and home decor ideas
Posta Júlia
10.10.2017 21:54:37
Hello Everyone! Julia here, and today I like to show you two projects I made with the cosy Pebbles Heart of Home collection. For both project I precut autumn leaves from Pebbles Hear of Home 6x6 Paper Pad. My first project is a packaging tip, this box I made for one of my daughters friend, what is inside is a supersecret, but I can tell you that for outside I used the lovely butterflies of Pebbles Ephemera Pack and some pre cut leaves. The second one is a fall wreath what I had started with my son in a "crafts afternoon" in my son's nursery, and I finished at home using Pebbles Heart of Home Ephemera butterflies and diecut leaves. Happy creating! Julia